Founded in France in 1972, Buffalo has an origin steeped in fashion. From its beginning on the streets of Bordeaux, close to the birthplace of denim in Nimes, Buffalo became famous for its unmistakable style, outstanding fit and quality. For over 50 years, Buffalo has maintained its cool, sexy and provocative persona. Today, it is recognized as a brand with an authentic heritage in denim and a design sensibility that is distinct and detailed. It has a history of pushing boundaries and creating cultural conversations through groundbreaking campaigns. Buffalo makes clothes for people who follow their passions and balance boldness with the bravery it takes to be an open book.

- Celebrated 50th Anniversary in 2022
- Men and women, 18-35
- Product categories include denim and sportswear, accessories, hosiery, eyewear, loungewear, underwear and home
- North American distribution includes Macy’s, Belk, Dillards, Hudson Bay, Kohl’s as well as Buffalojeans.com, Specialty Stores and Costco
- International Distribution in Latin America and SEA Asia